IV Part 1 - Khidma

Formally established in Mumbai and Karachi in 1919, the Ismaili Volunteers have continued the longstanding ethic of voluntary service within our Jamat. Among the key elements that Mawlana Hazar Imam has recently approved including a new name and uniform, we have also been given the gift of a new motto – khidma.

Khidma – the Arabic for ‘service’ expresses the core value of Ismaili Volunteers. Rendered as khidma in Jamats of Persian and Indic language usage, this term eloquently expresses the notion of unconditional service.

As an Ismaili Muslim, giving of our time and helping others is part of our life, and from a young age we are surrounded by examples of volunteers in action. It can take many forms. Some serve as members of boards and committees, taking on the challenge of making carefully considered decisions that could affect the quality of life and long-term development of many people. Others work actively in a team setting, to implement a particular project or activity that is beneficial to society. And there are those who choose to serve quietly and diligently, helping individuals with difficult or sensitive problems.

Whatever form voluntary service takes, the objective remains the same: It is about making a positive difference in other people’s lives.

This year, we are progressing on the transition between Ismaili Volunteers Corp – IVC and Ismaili Volunteers – IV; the root of serving is the same and we as volunteers must remember this. Perhaps we are evolving as volunteers and becoming more professional, but we must not forget where we came from and what is the purpose of serving our Jamat and Imam.

Our IVC Executive alongside with the National Council are working hard to implement the new uniform, Our next video will show you the new uniform for the United Kingdom and Europe jurisdiction so stay tuned.