Welcome to Ismaili Volunteer's Portal
One Vision, One Team…
Part 4 - How to wear the IV Scarf
While the Ismaili Volunteers Executive finalises the logistics, including arrangements for the existing uniform, check out our fourth video showing how to wear the IV Scarf.
We would also like to take this opportunity to invite members of the Jamat, including multi-faith family members, to come forward and join the Ismaili Volunteers.
Part 3 - Ordering the uniform
While the Ismaili Volunteers Executive finalises the logistics, including arrangements for the existing uniform, check out our third video explaining how to order the new uniform.
We would also like to take this opportunity to invite members of the Jamat, including multi-faith family members, to come forward and join the Ismaili Volunteers.
Part 2 - A new uniform
While the Ismaili Volunteers Executive finalises the logistics, including arrangements for the existing uniform, check out our second video talking about the new uniform.
We would also like to take this opportunity to invite members of the Jamat, including multi-faith family members, to come forward and join the Ismaili Volunteers.
Part 1 - Khidma
Our Ismaili Volunteers Executive alongside with the National Council are working hard to implement the new uniform.
While we continue to work on the logistics of the new changes, we would like all of you to be part of this journey.
We have created a series of video clips where you will learn the new changes.
Our first video explains the new name and the new motto.